
The Healing Prayer

www.allposters.comIt was a visit I had long anticipated.   My parents had often talked about their friends, Brian and Ruth, who were missionaries in Asia.  Through my parents, I learned of the many miracles happening in these parts of the world.  Brian told me that he had seen with his own two eyes, every miracle listed in the  Bible.  It made me think about our situation here in the Western world and how we don't often hear of miracles here. 

Was it because we limit God?  Are we so busy that we just run to the internet for a quick fix everytime we find ourselves in trouble?  God was already preparing my heart for healing.  I feel so strongly that he is relevant for us today and that he has not changed from the God of bible times.  HE IS REAL, HE IS ALIVE, HE WANTS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR YOU AND ME TODAY!

I know that He can completely heal me.  The question is, do I believe that He will and that he can do that for me.  Was I or am I also limiting God?  NO!  My faith is strong!  I believe that God wants to heal me and I also believe that he has already started that work in me.  Praise God.   He made me aware that the brain tumor was just a bump in the road and that He has bigger plans than these circumstances seem to show.  Much bigger!

When Brian and Ruth came to my home, we talked for some time and shared God's goodness.  At the end of our visit, Brian and Ruth annointed me with oil and we prayed for complete healing.  I BELIEVE!   It is not by sight, but by faith that we are healed.  Praise God!


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