The Diagnosis

It was early summer and my specialist, Dr. Jack Rootman, wanted to set my eye back into it's socket properly. A C-T Scan was ordered. About 5 years earlier, I had been diagnosed with Graves Disease - a thyroid condition of the eye that hits middle-aged women. Muscles behind the eye swell up and slowly push the eyeball out of it's socket. It usually lasts for about 2 years and then unexplainably stops.
The CT-Scan was taken in early August and on August 14th, I was called back into Dr. Rootman's office for surgery scheduling - or at least that's what I thought. As I sat in Dr. Rootman's office, he explained to me that they had found a tumor behind my eye. He felt that it was a meningionoma, but couldn't be sure as the tumor seemed to present itself differently than normal. He said that a biopsy would have to be performed to confirm his dianosis.

I always wondered why my Graves Disease wasn't stopping after the normal two year time frame. With each year, the swelling behind my right eye seemed to increase. Well, after the biopsy was done, Dr. Rootman informed me that I did not have Graves Disease after all. The brain tumor made it seem like Graves Disease, but in fact all I have is a Brain Tumor. Praise God, that's one disease down and now we just have to take care of the Brain Tumor!
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