My Faith Journal

Neil, my husband, and I arrived at Vancouver's Eye Care Centre at 4:00 pm anxious to hear the results of the biopsy. My right eye was still quite swollen from surgery, but all in all I felt good. We were ushered right into Dr. Rootman's office and it wasn't long before he joined us.
Dr. Rootman advised us that I did in fact have a brain tumor called a meningionoma. He went on to explain that these are cancer cells that attach themselves to the lining of the brain. They are considered benign because they don't spread to other parts of the body. The tumor itself started on the lining of the brain and has wound itself around the muscles behind my right eye. The bone surrounding the eye is all tumor. Surgery will be scheduled for sometime this winter and will be done by a cranial surgeon and ocular surgeon with a cancer specialist present for consultation. The procedure involves cutting a window into my skull and it is from here that they will gain access to the tumor. The cut will be just above my eyebrow from the nose to the temple and then up towards the center of my head in a rectangular shape. I will be in surgery for 9 hours. I will require reconstructive surgery of my right temple and forehead area as this will cave in. They will do that at the same time. Afterwards I will have to go through radiation therapy so that they can kill off the cancer cells that they were unable to remove.

(At the bottom of this article is an unbelievable website on research done in Germany by Dr. Hamer on why and how our brain is affected following trauma or loss. For those people suffering from any form of cancer, I would recommend reading this as well. Dr. Hammer's research offers good insite into these matters)
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Dear Sylvia:
Oh, how our hearts ached as we read what the doctor told you. Yes, we weep with those who weep and travail in prayer with those who travail. I cannot remember if you had already had the tests by the time we anointed you with oil, or if you were about to have the tests. I know that sometimes there is a time period between when we pray and when God "announces" the results of his healing to the doctors and researchers.
Words are so inadequate at a time like this, and we cannot feel the depths of your emotions, yet we know God can.
Please take comfort with the words prophesied about our Lord Jesus, our substitute who received any punishment that would be due us, so that we can enter His presence immersed in His righteousness.
ISAIAH 53 exerpts from the New Living Translation: "He was despised and rejected--a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care. Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed... the Lord laid on him the sins of us all. ...
When he sees all that is accomplished by his anguish, he will be satisfied...I will give him the honors of a victorious solder..." As you know, Jesus' sacrifice was for the forgiveness of our sins (past, present and future) and for the healing of our bodies, and minds, and emotions. The death and resurrection of Jesus makes us whole.
Yes, we will continue to pray for you. Definitely you can ask the doctors that before your surgery, you want themto give you one more scan of some kind to see if the cancerous tumor is still there, so they do not cut your skull open and then find there is no cancer left.
All that we go through is fore-known by our Lord Jesus, and He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. Some of what we experience is so that Jesus may be made known to those who will not otherwise hear of his salvation. If you run out of things to pray, remind God that your body is His dwelling place. You have repented for the misuse of your body (such as when you were working too hard and only eating chocolate bars). Now you can ask Him to be the ruler of your body, "in charge" and making the necessary repairs and renovations. The temporal building belongs to Him. Your faith remains strong in Him.
Now, when and if you are ready for astonishing research with excellent success stories, please look at the following website when you are rested and alert. (It is too much to assimilate while you are tired.) This is the German Doctor Hamer who researched and discovered that following a shock or trauma or perceived loss, lesions in cocentric circles are formed in a section of the brain. The part of the brain is directly connected to what the body thinks it needs to do to help you overcome the stress or lack. (Perhaps your brain felt you needed more strength in the brain area to handle the needs of your busy company that you and Neil own. Well, no matter the cause, the good news that Dr. Hamer discovered is that cancer does not have to be fatal, and in fact, most tumors are NOT life-threatening. However, his research also included that some measures need to be taken to arrest the expansion of the cancerous cells. [We personally never would have chemotherapy because it kills your good cells and leaves your body no way to fight off disease.]
Enough said. This is "radical" to the western world, but we think it is worth reading because of the enormous percentage of people who were healed. Please read in order from the left-hand index of the web-site at least five or more sections to understand his years of research. with love, and continuing prayers,
Ruth and Brian
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Reader Comments (1)
Good Morning Sylvia,
Be blessed and receive the blessing of the Lord. For you were not created to live in fear of the enemy rather to live in the truth of God's Word.
You were created to bring honor and glory to His Name and receive all that the Father has for you.
We have been praying for you and we are believing like you are, for a miracle.
Your faith has stirred our hearts and your strength in the Lord is evident.
Continue fighting the good fight and know that what you are going through is ministering to many whose faith is not as strong as yours.
We at Heritage Valley Assembly will stand with you and will look forward to the good report as God is faithful.
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, ,will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:4-7
Many Blessings,
Pastor Ron & Etta Hermann