
Entering My Promised Land - Surgery is Cancelled!

Praise God for He is faithful!  What a joy it is to serve Him knowing that He always holds me safely in the palm of His hand.  I am pleased to announce that my neurosurgeon's office called me last week while I was still in Edmonton advising me that they had a 'more pressing brain surgery' and would have to cancel mine.  WOW!  What a mighty God I serve.

God, in His wonderful way, allowed me to go to Edmonton to witness and speak with many people.  I noticed that they were very specific people that He had me share what He was doing in my life.  Some were prayer warriors, some were pastors, some were unsaved, etc.  I shared that I absolutely knew that I was already healed, despite the fact that I was going into surgery [God heals us through the surgeons hands as well] and that I knew that I was in His hands.  There were some people who wondered why I wasn't more scared and I shared how only God can give us a true peace - a peace that goes beyond all understanding.  I also shared the vision that God had given me and the later confirmation of that vision. 

Immediately, after sharing and witnessing of my faith and trust in my precious Jesus, the call came to cancel the surgery.  Chance of that happening [according to the doctors office] is 1%.  Chance of that happening when God is in control? - 100%!!!  WOW!  Over and over, God just reinforces the fact that all we need to do is to be obedient to him and place our faith and trust in Him.  When we do our part, He can then do His part!!!  I LOVE HIM SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!  Praise God.  What a joy it is to serve Him.

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