Entering My Promised Land - Surgery is Cancelled!

Praise God for He is faithful! What a joy it is to serve Him knowing that He always holds me safely in the palm of His hand. I am pleased to announce that my neurosurgeon's office called me last week while I was still in Edmonton advising me that they had a 'more pressing brain surgery' and would have to cancel mine. WOW! What a mighty God I serve.
God, in His wonderful way, allowed me to go to Edmonton to witness and speak with many people. I noticed that they were very specific people that He had me share what He was doing in my life. Some were prayer warriors, some were pastors, some were unsaved, etc. I shared that I absolutely knew that I was already healed, despite the fact that I was going into surgery [God heals us through the surgeons hands as well] and that I knew that I was in His hands. There were some people who wondered why I wasn't more scared and I shared how only God can give us a true peace - a peace that goes beyond all understanding. I also shared the vision that God had given me and the later confirmation of that vision.
Immediately, after sharing and witnessing of my faith and trust in my precious Jesus, the call came to cancel the surgery. Chance of that happening [according to the doctors office] is 1%. Chance of that happening when God is in control? - 100%!!! WOW! Over and over, God just reinforces the fact that all we need to do is to be obedient to him and place our faith and trust in Him. When we do our part, He can then do His part!!! I LOVE HIM SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! Praise God. What a joy it is to serve Him.

Next to my relationship with my Heavenly Father, I know that God has given me a very specific assignment for my life. I also know that everything that God does has order and balance and a very real and direct purpose. I know that God is preparing me for Kingdom purposes and I am excited to see what He will do next. It is wonderful to be called a daughter of the King!
I believe that God refines and purifies us to prepare and position us into that strategic place of authority so that we can fulfill the assignment that we were created for. I know He has been preparing me, and I am finally beginning to REALLY understand what Jesus meant when He said,
“If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.” (Luke 9:23-24)
Originally, my surgery was scheduled for July 14th, 2009. I was flying out to Edmonton the very morning that Vancouver General Hospital called and, because the pre-op appointments would not be able to be done in time, the surgery was changed to July 21st. The date of July 14th holds great significance for me. While in Edmonton, my father found my baptismal bible and I came to realize that July 14th was the date, exactly 40 years ago, that I was baptised and publically professed my faith in Jesus Christ. I know God makes no mistakes when he reminds and shows us these very significant times in our lives.
In his website www.ichthys.com, Bob Luginbill states that in biblical times, the number 40 held significance because it was the length of time it rained at the flood (Gen. 7:12); the number of days our Lord was tempted (Matt. 4:2); the three phases of Moses life (Acts 7:23-42), and, therefore the number of years that the Israelites were in the desert (Acts 7:42; Heb. 3:9).
He goes on to say that "40" represents a sufficiency of time (and probably quantity as well); that is, it is long enough or large enough to remove doubt; long enough and large enough to prove God's point (whatever that may be in context). In the three examples above, 40 days makes clear that the flood was from God, a true and complete judgment with complete results; 40 days of testing is enough to remove all doubt that only death could have kept our Lord from carrying out His Father's plan to letter regardless of opposition; 40 years in the desert was also a completeness of testing and judgment combined.
I have come to realize that in God's calendar for me that an altar was built that day on July 14th, 40 years ago, when I publically made a declaration for Jesus Christ and my desire to follow Him. This date would, therefore, be a date that would not allow for surgery.
"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was on him; and with his stripes we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5)
God leaves no stone unturned, no detail out. Indeed, I am held in the palm of His hand and now....40 years later.....I HAVE CROSSED OVER THE RIVER JORDAN AND I AM WALKING INTO THE PROMISED LAND that God has for me! Praise God. I am ready and willing to walk into the call that God has upon my life and to fulfill the assignment that God has for me. He will reveal His purposes step by step as I am obedient to Him and place MY COMPLETE faith and trust in Him.
As I am writing this, I am reminded of a time approximately 4 months ago when I was praying and meditating on God. At the time I felt Him telling me the following, which I wrote down as it was spoken to me. He said,
Do not be afraid;
I will reveal each step to you as you reach it;
I am the Lord your God;
I will lead and guide you;
I walk beside you;
I walk with you;
I will show myself to those you pray for;
I am the Alpha and the Omega;
Trust in me completely;
I will do a work through you;
It is not you, but I in you that will be revealed to those around you;
As you have asked, I will give you wisdom, discernment and understanding;
Trust in me completely;
Place your faith in me;
I have heard your prayers before you have even prayed them;
Now go forth my child;
I am with you.