Be Still and Know That I Am God

Thursday, November 13, 2008 at 11:42AM
Gregory Heff's Sunset Mix
As I look over this past summer and recall the circumstances that I found and still findmyself in, Ican seeGod working in my life spiritually, physically and emotionally. It has not been easy and I am glad in retrospect that we don't always know what lies ahead. God, through His Son Jesus, gives us the strength to walk thru each day. I can clearly see how Godgoes ahead and prepares the way. Reflecting back over the summer, I am reminded of the bible verse in Psalm 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God."
I do not know what His plans are for my life, but I do know one thing. God does not want us to waste our time trying to figure everything out, but rather He wants us to totally rest in trust Him fully. In everything God has a purpose.His plans for my life aremade perfect through Him and because of this I trulyCAN rest in Him. He calls me into relationship with Him and reminds me that I need to keep it simple. Look to Jesus and your answers will be found there, at the foot of the cross. Through Jesus, ALL things are possible. WOW....what a promise!
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