Yes! I Saw Jesus!

Jesus and His Ministering AngelsIn May 2009 I found myself praying in the basement of my church with two Christian sisters who have become dear friends of mine. The three of us sat quietly, with both of them having laid hands on either one of my shoulders. We had prayed for Jesus to come and minister to me - to reveal Himself to me.
At first nothing happened although the presence of the Holy Spirit filled the room. I was concious that we had just spent the entire morning ministering to those that were sick and felt a little uneasy taking up more ofmysister'stime. However, once they reassured me that we would wait for as long as it took, I allowed the Holy Spirit to begin to minister to me.
I raised my hands to the heavens and asked Jesus to come to me - right there in that room! My heart was filled with the desire to receive ALL that Jesus had for me to receive. There was a glorious presence in the room. With my hands raised to the heavenlies, I became aware of the presence of Jesus standing before me - off to my right. He was dressed in a white gown and I saw His whole being from head to foot. He lifted both of his arms towards my head and He held my head in his hands. As He was holding my head [by my temples] he said to me, "You have been made whole." And just as suddenly as the vision appeared, it was gone.
What I found so beautiful about this is how wonderful our Heavenly Father is! How, eventhough he has already enabled me through faith to believe that He has healed me; now He has given me a visual reassurance that my healing has been made complete and that I have been made whole. It humbles me when I see how great His love is for us in that He leaves no stone unturned and no detail out. He, at this point of my healing, has chosen to give me a visual reminder of what He has done for me. Praise God for his unending love and mercy.
About a month later, in mid-June 2009, I met for coffee with a pastor friend of mine. I had not really had a chance to share this vision with anyone other than those involved with the Cancer Prayer Network and so I knew that this pastor was not aware of the vision I had received.
As we sat and enjoyed our coffee, my friend shared with me how they had a dream about me a few nights prior. When my friend awoke in the morning, they said that they wrote down what God had shown in the dream. This is what the pastor wrote:
June 12, 2009
I saw a picture of your head being held gently in the hands of Jesus and then He spoke, saying:
"You are held in the palm of my hands and you are safe there. I formed you and I have known you since your conception. And every moment of your life I have loved you with an everlasting love. Nothing that has happened, or is happening, in your life has gone unnoticed by me. I am at hand, I am here, so continue to live in my peace. I am the Almighty, All Powerful, and All Encompassing One and you are safe in the palm of my hands."
"Oh, what a wonderful God we have! How great are his riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his methods! For who can know what the Lord is thinking? Who knows enough to be his counselor? And who could ever give him so much that he would have to pay it back? For everything comes from him; everything exists by his power and is intended for his glory." (Romans 11:33-36)

How wonderfully God works! I am truly in awe of His majesty and His mighty and perfect hand over my life. He already knew in advance the path that I was to walk....and, in His wonderfully gracious and caring love for me, he allowed me to see that vision of Jesus holding either side of my head saying that I have been made whole. Today, I received a call from Vancouver General Hospital advising me that I will be going into surgery on July 21st, 2009 for my first 9 hour operation. This one is for the brain tumor located right behind my eye and is called a meningionoma. In His goodness, He has reminded me that I am in His hands, that He is with me, that He is the Almighty, that He is the author and finisher of my faith, and that nothing has gone unnoticed by Him and that I have been made whole!
WOW! WOW! WOW! What an amazing God I serve. I do not need to fear for He is with me and I am in His hands. I couldn't be in a safer place and I thank Him for that. Thank you Jesus, for your faithfulness and for never leaving my side. Thank you for the peace that you have given me. I am not anxious for anything! Praise God.